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الإسم اللاتيني
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اولغا لوسيا ليزيني

اولغا لوسيا ليزيني

الإسم اللاتيني :  olga lucia Lizzini
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصرة
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الفلسفة - ابن سينا - الدراسات الاسلامية - اللغة العربية

جامعة جنيف ، قسم الفلسفة ، عضو هيئة التدريس

جامعة فو أمستردام ، كلية الفلسفة ، عضو هيئة التدريس.

مجالات الاختصاص والاهتمام :

تاريخ الفلسفة والفلسفة القديمة والوسطى ؛ اللاتينية؛ الفلسفة العربية واستقبالها في الغرب ؛ اللغة العربية ، الدراسات الإسلامية ، تاريخ العلوم في العصور الوسطى وفي السياق العربي الإسلامي.

الفلسفة اللاتينية والعربية في العصور الوسطى: الميتافيزيقيا ، علم الوجود ، قسم العلوم ، ابن سينا ​​وسلائفه (خاصة أرسطو والأفلاطونية الحديثة)

التعليم :

1996-2000 - Ph.D. in Philosophy (Medieval Philosophy), University of Rome ÒLa SapienzaÓ, Italy (ÒexcellentÓ).

1995-1996 - Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies, Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Rome(Òmagna cum laudeÓ).

1994-1995 - Institute of Historical Studies (ÒIstituto per gli Studi StoriciÓ), Naples, Italy (post-graduatefellowship).

1993-1994 - M.A.: ÔLicence complŽmentaire en PhilosophieÕ (Òavec la plus grande distinctionÓ); CatholicUniversity of Louvain, Belgium.

1990 - French Institute of Arabic Studies of Damascus (ex I.F.E.A.D. now I.P.O.), Syria.- Syrian Institute for Teaching Arabic to Foreigners, Damascus.

1985-91 - Degree in Philosophy (110/110 cum laude), University of Rome ÒLa SapienzaÓ, Italy.

من منشوراتها ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

1 - Guest Lecture - University of Palermo (Italy), 30 March 1993: «L’angelologia di Avicenna nella Metafisica del Libro della guarigione».

 2. II Symposium Syro-arabicum, Beirut (Sayydat al-Bir) 17-19 September 1998: «Le traité sur l’Unité (Maqâla fî ‘l-Tawhîd) de Yahyâ ibn ‘Adî et la troisième Maqâla de la Métaphysique du K. al-Shifâ’ d’Avicenne : deux finalités différentes dans l’analyse de l’un».

 3. First World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies (Mainz, 11-13 September 2002): «The relation between form and matter: both principles depend on an ‘external cause’. The ‘homology argument’ (Ilâhiyyât, II, 4) and the deduction of fayd».

4. Guest Lecture - University of Freiburg (Switzerland), 30 April 2003: «L’essentialité de la médiation : autour de l’angélologie d’Avicenne».

 5. XIV International Conference of the Italian Society for the Study of Medieval Thought (S.I.S.P.M.: Società italiana per lo studio del Pensiero Medievale, Bari, 9-12 June 2004): «Utilità e gratuità della Metafisica in Avicenna» (Ilāhiyyāt, I, 3).

6. Interdisciplinary seminar ‘Between Theology and Anthropology (Fra Teologia e Antropologia): «Il concetto di mente dal mondo antico all’età contemporanea»: C.N.R., Lessico Intellettuale Europeo - Storia delle Idee - Università di Roma, “La Sapienza” (Rome, 10 January 2005: «Intellectus, intelligentia, mens in Avicenna».

 7. International Conference «Echi e Fonti arabe nella letteratura duecentesca e in Dante», Università di Udine (Udine, Facoltà di Lettere, 14-15 April 2005): «Una Rilettura della presenza avicenniana in Dante».

8. Università di Bari “Federico II”, 22 June 2005, Faculty of Philosophy, School of Doctoral Studies in Philosophy (Formazione per il Dottorato di ricerca dell’Università di Bari): «La materia in Avicenna» («Matter in Avicenna»).

9. Università di Bari “Federico II”, 29 June 2005, Faculty of Philosophy, School of Doctoral Studies in Philosophy (Formazione per il Dottorato di ricerca dell’Università di Bari): «La dimostrazione metafisica dell’esistenza di Dio in Avicenna» («The metaphysical demonstration of the Existence of God in Avicenna»).

10. Journée d’Études : Vie active, vie contemplative: sources, modèles, théories – Rome, École Française, sous la direction de Ch. Trottmann, avec la collaboration de l’Université de Rome ‘La Sapienza’, 17-18 June 2005: «Vie active, vie contemplative et philosophie chez Avicenne».

11. International Seminar on the history of psychology (Journée conclusive): «L’étude de l’âme appartient-elle à la Physique ou à la Métaphysique?», organised by C. di Martino, Université de Lille3 (France), 30 May 2006: «L’étude de l’âme appartient-elle à la physique ou à la métaphysique? Le statut de l’âme chez Avicenne».

12. International Conference of the Italian Society for the Study of Medieval Thought (XV Colloquio della S.I.S.P.M. Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale, Catania, 22-24 September 2006): «La cosmologia in Alfarabi e in Avicenna».

13. European University Institute, Florence, 14-15 December 2006, Workshop: The Circulation of People, Ideas, and Goods between Maghreb and Italy (13th-16th Centuries): «Les philosophes arabes et Dante : quelques remarques sur le rôle de la pensée avicennienne et la médiation andalouse».

14. Guest Lecture, 28 February 2007, University of Bologna (Chair: History of Medieval Philosophy, Prof. Dino Buzzetti): «La cosmologia di Avicenna».

 15. G.R.A.C.: International Conference «La letteratura arabo-cristiana e le scienze nel periodo abbaside (750-1250 d.C)» (Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 9-10 March 2007): «Critica dell’emanatismo e creazione dal nulla in Yahyā ibn ‘Adī».

16. Guest Lecture, Séminaire d’Histoire de la Philosophie médiévale, Université Lille3 (France), 16 March 2007: «L’intellect chez Avicenne».

 17. Alexander von Humboldt-Conference, University of Magdeburg: «Die Abhandlung „Über die Einheit“ von Yahyā ibn ‘Adī», (11-13 October 2007, Magdeburg Universität).

18. Guest Lecture for the Cycle of Lectures on «La métaphysique d’Avicenne», organised by A. Hasnawi, C.N.R.S. Paris, 16 May 2008, École Normale : « Avicenne. Les attributs divins».

 19. Humboldt-Kolleg, Bratislava (Slovakia), 25-29 June 2008: «Die Reflexion über das Eine im Kontext der arabisch-islamischen Philosophie: „Über die Einheit“ von Yahyā ibn ‘Adī und seine islamischen Kontrahenten».

20. SOAS, London, 27 August 2008: «Emanation vs. Creation in Arabic Thought». Scholarly Presentation by Invitation (short list for the position of Lecturer in Islamic Studies, at the SOAS).

21. MACO (Musée des Arts Contemporains), Geneva, 27 February 2009: «An essential aspect of the Graeco-Arabic influence on 12th-13th century Metaphysics: the conception of fluxus» (Scholarly Presentation by Invitation: short list for the Swiss Institute – I.S.R. – in Rome).

 22. University of Nottingham (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies), 9 June 2009: «Creation, Emanation and the Unity of God: Yahyā ibn ‘Adī and Avicenna» (Scholarly Presentation by Invitation: short list for the position of Lecturer in Islamic Studies).

 23. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (Faculty of Philosophy), 11 June 2009: «Teaching Arabic-Islamic Philosophy: meaning and aims» (Scholarly Presentation by Invitation: short list for the position of Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy. Position obtained).

 24. Göttingen (Goethe Institut), 12 June 2009: «Oneness, unity and the uniqueness of God: Avicenna’s classification of the sciences» (Scholarly Presentation by Invitation: short list for the position of Junior Professor in Islamic Studies – Juniorprofessor für Islamwissenschaften).

 25. “Things” – Workshop on Medieval Ontology, University of Freiburg (18-19 June 2009, Freiburg am Breisgau), «The ontology of Avicenna».

26. Guest Lecture – IKGF (Bochum) – Workshop on Analogy. The Abrahamic Religions: «The metaphor of light in Avicenna: some remarks on the role and the limits of analogy», Bochum-Ruhr-Universität (4 February 2010).

 27. Guest Lecture – Leiden Institute of Area Studies, School for Middle Eastern Studies, Talks series: «The metaphysics of Avicenna: the meaning of the ‘light’ metaphor» (Universiteit Leiden, 25 March 2010).

28. Guest Lecture – Bari, Università di Bari "Federico II", (22 December 2010): «Simboli e indicazioni. Gli angeli nella filosofia islamica» (with G. Agamben, E. Coccia and Samuela Pagani; organized by P. Porro, Bari, Università degli Studi, Facoltà di Filosofia).

29. University of Freiburg in Breisgau, 11 February 2011: «Logic, Grammar, Rhetoric and Metaphysics in al-Fārābī (d. 950) and Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna, d. 1037). Some suggestions for a possible research project on the epistemological principles of language». (Scholarly Presentation by Invitation: short list for the position of Junior professor in Arabic Philosophy- Junior Professor).

 30. Amsterdam, Maison Descartes, 30 March 2011: «Aristote au Mont Saint-Michel ?, Critical presentation of Gouguenheim’s book Aristote au Mont Saint-Michel», a lecture which was part of «Les enjeux pluriels de la philosophie», A French-Dutch open discussion on the meaning and role of the Arabic heritage in Medieval Western philosophy, organized by O. Lizzini and B. van Ruymbeke, Amsterdam, “Maison Descartes”.

 31. Guest Lecture - Paris, Centre Le Saulchoir, 20 and 24 May 2011: «Possibility and Creation. Some Remarks on the Views of Avicenna and Aquinas», Journées d’études organisées par C. Cerami (CNRS), V. Cordonier (CNRS), A. Oliva (IRHT), R.C. Taylor (Marquette University and De Wulf-Mansion Centre, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven).

32. International conference Prince of Physicians. The Legacy of Avicenna in the Islamic World and the West, - Leiden Universiteit, 16 January 2012: «Giver of Intellect and giver of forms: a key element of Avicenna’s influence in the Latin Middle Ages», Scaliger Institute – Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS).

33. International workshop, Paris, Université La Sorbonne, 17 Mars 2012 : « Intellect et intellect agent chez Avicenne ». Dans le cadre du séminaire organisé par Paris I- CNRS-Lille III (A. Jaulin, C. Cerami, M. Crubellier ; UMR 7219/UMR 8163), «Du Nous. Aristote, avant et après : Tradition grecque, tradition arabe», 16-17 Mars 2012.

34. Professeur invité, Paris, Université La Sorbonne, (Mars-Avril 2012) : 1. 27 March : « Création et émanation : la question dans la pensée arabe quelques remarques ». 2. 30 March : « L’acte divin et ses images chez Avicenne ». 3 : 3 April : « L’actedivin et le principe : les attributs divins chez Avicenne ». 4. 5 April : « Emanation et action : la dimension éthique de l’agir de Dieu chez Avicenne ». 5. 13 April : « Emanation et révélation : le point de vue des falāsifa : quelques remarques ».

 35. Guest lecture: Rome, Università ‘La Sapienza’, Chair of History of Medieval Philosophy (Prof. P. Porro), 2 May 2012: «Analogia e attributi divini nella tradizone filosofica dell’Islam medievale: alcune note su Avicenna».

36. Guest lecture, Rome, Università di Roma III, Chair of History of Mathematics (Prof. Ana Milàn Gasca), 2 May 2012: «Il nulla, la cosa».

 37. Kaete-Hamburger Kolleg Workshop: Apocalypse, Eschatology, Messianism in a comparative perspective, organized by A. Cuffel and Z. Pogossian, Bochum, Kaete-Hamburger Kolleg, 8-9 May 2012: «The Language of God: Some Brief Remarks on 'Revelation' in Islamic Philosophy».

 38. Leuven, KUL (Katholiek Universiteit Leuven), 4th-5th June 2012, «Fluxus: Some Remarks on Avicenna and Albertus Magnus», Presentation by invitation to: Translation and Transformation in Philosophy: Albert, between Aquinas and ‘the Arabs, a collaborative workshop conference at KU Leuven on the thought of Albertus Magnus and the Arabic tradition, organized by A. Robiglio and R. Taylor.

 39. SIEPM International Congress of Medieval Philosophy: Pleasures of Knowledge (Freising, August 20-25 2012), 23 August 2012: Pleasure of knowledge and quietude of the soul in Avicenna (Ilāh., VII, 7 and IX, 7).

40. Guest Lecture, Amsterdam (U.v.A), 28 September 2012, ACASA (University of Amsterdam), Imagining the Divine in Context: «The concept of the Divine in Aristotle».

 41. Journée d’études dans le cadre du séminaire « Recherches en cours sur la falsafa », 21 Novembre 2012: Centre Jean Pépin, Journée d’études organisée par Meryem Sebti et Maroun Aouad, Villejuif: «Utilisation et limites de l’image de la lumière chez Avicenne ».

 42. November-December 2012, Visiting Professor, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia Corso di laurea in Lingue orientali (Department of Asian and North African Studies).

 43. Lausanne, 1-2 March 2013, University of Lausanne: International Conference on Relations in the Middle Ages: « Causality and relation: Avicenna and al-Ghazālī ».

44. Paris, 5-6 avril 2013, «Plaisir et plaisir de la connaissance chez Avicenne», séminaire Le plaisir dans les traditions platonicienne et aristotélicienne, co-organisé par Cristina Cerami (CNRS/SPHERE-CHSPAM), Annick Jaulin (Univ. Paris 1) et Michel Crubellier (Univ. Lille 3).

45. Guest Lecture, Rome, Sapienza Università, Chair of History of Medieval Philosophy, Prof. Luisa Valente, 27 May 2013: «La logica di Avicenna: alcune osservazioni».

46. Würzburg, 7-8 June 2013: Aquinas and Arabic Metaphysics, International Conference organised by Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Jörn Müller, Institute of Philosophy, Würzburg Residence Castle: «Relations, Metaphysics and the demonstration of God’s existence: Avicenna and al-Ghazālī».

47. Santiago, Universidad de Chile, Centro de Estudios Arabes, 20 July 2013: «Emanación y creación en el pensamiento àrabe».

48. Santiago de Chile, Universidad de Chile, Instituto de Filosofía, 23 July 2013, I Coloquio Internacional de Pensamiento árabe y filosofía contemporánea: El Pensamiento árabe e islámico clásico y nosotros, Conferencia inaugural.

49. Universidad de Chile, Centro de Estudios Arabes, 20-30 July 2013: Visiting Professor (invitation by Prof. Rodrigo Karmy, Centro de Estudios Arabes, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile).

50. Centro de Diàlogo Intercultural Alba, Buenos Aires, 21 August 2013, «Emanación y creación en el pensamiento de Avicena».

51. Paris, Institut du Monde Arabe-Université Paris I, La Sorbonne, 4-7 September 2013 : « La philosophie arabe à l’étude. Sens, limites et défis d’une discipline moderne / Studying Arabic Philosophy. Meaning, limits and challenges of a modern discipline». First Conference (Alexander von Humboldt Kolleg) on the Historiography of Arabic-Islamic Philosophy, organized by J.B. Brenet and O. Lizzini: « Comment définir la philosophie dans un contexte: autour des mots : arabe, islamique, philosophie ».

 52. Guest Lecture, Amsterdam (U.v.A), 27 September 2013, ACASA (University of Amsterdam), Imagining the Divine in Context: «The concept of the Divine in Aristotle, II».

 53. VU University, Amsterdam, 18-21 December 2013: International Conference: Analysis and Synthesis. Philosophical Method and Scientific Methodology in Ancient and Medieval Thought: «Avicenna on Truth. Some Remarks».

 54. Istambul, 2-5 July 2014, International Conference: Commenting as Philosophy and the Abrahamic Interpreters, organized by D. Butorac (www.arxai.org): «Towards a Definition of Philosophy in the Arabic-Islamic Tradition».

 55. The University of Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, Toronto, 19-20 September 2014: «Potency, Power and Potentiality in Avicenna: Some Remarks».

56. Amsterdam (U.v.A), 3 October 2014: ACASA (University of Amsterdam): Guest lecture, Imagining the Divine in Context: «The concept of the Divine in Aristotle, III».

57. Paris, 10 October 2014: Contribution to the S.I.H.S.P.A.I. 9th International Colloquium : Rationalité plurielle. Sciences, philosophie et Kalām dans l’Islam classique, 8-10 Octobre 2014 : « La prophétie, langage de Dieu: révélation et philosophie chez Avicenne ».

58. Paris, Centre Jean Pepin, 7 Novembre 2014 : La Providence, le destin, le mal et la matière. Un réseau de commentaires en amont et en aval d’Avicenne, organisation M. Sebti : « La question de la matière chez Avicenne ».

 59. Giornata di studi sul non-essere, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, 20 November 2014: (organization by D. Spanio, Venezia): «Nihil e creatio ex nihilo in Avicenna».

60. A. von Humboldt-Universität, Berlin 21-22 November 2014: Constructing Hellenism in Classical Islam and Renaissance Europe. Transfer, Appropriation and Transformation, Workshop organized by Han Lamers: «The Question of Truth in Greek Logic and Islamic Revelation: Some Remarks about Avicenna».

61. Freie Universität zu Berlin, 11 December 2014: Vision, Light, Imagination in Arabic Philosophy, Workshop organized by B. U. La Sala : «The metaphor of Light in Avicenna».

 62. Université de Caen, 4-5 février 2015 : Totalitas, colloque international organisé par Maud Pouradier : « Nihil et Totalitas dans la métaphysique d’Avicenne ».

 63. Guest Lecture, Amsterdam University College, 10 March 2015: «Avicenna: The analysis of Being».

64. Guest lectures, Venezia, Università Ca’ Foscari, 7-8 May 2015: Seminario di approfondimento di Filosofia araba (al-Kindī, al-Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā).

 65. Rome, 29 May 2015 (on-line participation, invited speaker): Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, Convegno di Filosofia Medievale, Il Nihil, 28-29 Maggio 2015, Conference organized by Philippe Nouzille, « Nihil e creatio ex nihilo in Avicenna».

 66. Amsterdam-Denver, 8-10 June 2015: On-line Conference, Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions, Seventh Annual Summer Conference 2015 at the University of Denver (co-organized with Marquette University); Peter Adamson, Jon McGinnis, Olga Lizzini; Discussants: Richard Taylor, R. Ed Houser, Sarah Pessin, Luis Farhjeat et al. ; organization by R. Taylor and Sarah Pessin (invited speaker).

 67. Freiburg in Breisgau, 10-11 July 2015, Freiburg Universität, Forschungskolloquium (Guest Lecture and presentation of texts: «Potency and act in Avicenna’s Metaphysics»).

 68. Guest Lecture, Amsterdam University College, 5 October 2015: « Being and Thing in Avicenna ».

 69. Guest Lecture, Amsterdam University College, 7 March 2016: « Being and Instauration in Avicenna’s Metaphysics ».

70. International Conference, Les Éléments de théologie et le Livre des causes du Ve au XVIIe siècle, organized by D. Calma and M. Geoffroy, 14-15, 16 April 2016, Ecole pratique des hautes études / CNRS) Centre ‘Jean Pépin’: Paris, 16 April 2016 : «Causalité et pouvoir: autour des traces du Liber de causis dans la métaphysique d’Avicenne».

71. International Conference, Freiburg Universität, 27-28-29 April 2016, Outsiders and Forerunners: Modern reason and Historiographical Births of Medieval Philosophy, organization C. König-Pralong, Project MEMOPHI: « L'Hippocrate, l'Aristote des Arabes ... l’homme le plus extraordinaire que cette nation ait produit ». Autour de l'historiographie avicennienne ».

 72. International Conference: Paris, 12-14 May 2016, Université Paris I—Panthéon Sorbonne/ Université Paris Sorbonne –Paris IV: Aristotélisme et Anti-Aristotélisme du Moyen-Age arabe à la Modernité: «Potency: Some remarks about Avicenna».

 73. University Symposium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 3 June 2016, a book symposium in celebration of the publication of Transzendentale Einheit by Wouter Goris: “Avicenna on Unity and the One”; organization: CLUE under the direction of M. Martijn.

74. 3rd Annual Conference Women in Philosophy, 1 July 2016, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Respondent to : “The concept of lumen naturale in Descartes” by Claudia Matteini.

75. Guest Lecture, Amsterdam University College, 20 October 2016: « Philosophy and the Religious Law in Averroes: the Fasl al-Maqāl».

 76. International Conference (Alexander von Humboldt Kolleg): Zwischen Orient und Europa. Orientalismus in der DeutschJüdischen Kultur im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert, Rome 3-4-5 November 2016, Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici: «Avicenna e avicennismo: elementi di discussione nella storiografia della filosofia araba: Georges Vajda».

77. International Conference (Colloque international): Le théologico-politique au Moyen Age, organised by O. Boulnois and I. Moulin, Institut Catholique de Paris, 2-3 February 2017 (invited speaker): “‘Le théologico-politique à la lumière de la philosophie. Prophète, khalīfa et espèce humaine selon Avicenne’.

78. Guest Lecture, Amsterdam University College, 28 March 2017: « Philosophy and the Religious Law in Averroes. II».

79. University of Osnabrück: Institut für islamische Theologie: “Avicenna Reloaded”: Avicenna – 12-13 May 2017: : «Avicenna’s Theory of Efficient Causality and the idea of potency. Aspects of a Controversial Subject ».

80. Paris, Collège de France (28-29 May 2017): Philosopher au XIIe siècle – (invitation): “Philosopher au XIIᵉ siècle : Avicenne et sa première réception au Moyen Age. Quelques remarques” https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/alain-de-libera/symposium-2017-05-29-10h00.htm

81. Paris, Inalco, 5-6 Juillet 2017: “The representations of the Prophet in the construction of Islamic Knowledge”: “La prophétie chez Avicenne: imagination et rôle politique”.

 82. Freie Universität, Berlin, Sonderforschungsbereich “Episteme in Bewegung”, 20 October 2017: “An essential aspect of the Graeco-Arabic influence on 12th-13th century metaphysics: the conception of fluxus”.

 83. Venezia, Fondazione Cini, Università Ca’ Foscari, Seminario: L’Etica islamica”: “Il mondo sensibile è il mondo delle tombe”, (Fondazione Cini, Isola S. Giorgio, 2 February 2018).

 84. Amsterdam, VU, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy, Afdelingscolloquium (14 February 2018) : Respondent to “Plato en Hermetica in het late werk van Giordano Bruno: Een filosofie voor een nieuwe wereld” by Joyce Pijnenburg (in Dutch).

 85. Centre Léon Robin, Paris: 8 mars 2018: Guest Lecture: Centre Léon Robin, Paris, 8 March 2018,: “Ousia, mahiyya, wugud, vérité: autour de l'ontologie avicennienne”, within the context of the seminar “Ousia: essence ou substance?” organised by Anca Vasiliu, Centre Léon Robin, Paris.

 86. Groningen, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Studies and Religious Studies, 19 march 2018: Respondent to “What is the Arabic for zôon politikon? Ethics and politics in Ibn Ṭufayl” by C. La Martire.

 87. Guest Lecture, Amsterdam University College, 21 March 2018 : « Philosophy and the Religious Law in Averroes: the Fasl al-Maqāl. II».

88. Universiteit van Leiden, Minisymposium “De verbeelding bij de Platonisten” : Represenation and reality in Avicenna, 23 march 2018.

89. Universiteit van Utrecht, 18 April 2018: Ontology and logic in Avicenna’s concept of truth.

 90. The life of plants: a conversation with E. Coccia on his book La vie des plantes as part of the workshop organised in Amsterdam, VU University, 20 April 2018: The Life of Plants/Het leven van de planten/La vie des plantes: a workshop on the meaning of life (and philosophy) with Marije Martijn, Ype de Boer, Cor Zonneveld, O.L. Lizzini ; special guest Emanuele Coccia.

 91. Université de Genève, Conférences Quodlibeta, 3 May 2018: Ontology and logic in Avicenna’s concept of truth: a commentary on Ilāhiyyāt, I, 8 (paper discussed also in Amstredam, in May 2018).

92. Paris 6 juin, Université la Sorbonne/Centre de Recherche Sphère (organisation by C. Cerami / Zyad Abu Aql): Puissance et acte dans la métaphysique d’Avicenne. Lecture du texte arabe: Ilāhiyyāt IV, 2.


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