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روبرت ر بيانكي

روبرت ر بيانكي

الإسم اللاتيني :  Robert R Bianchi
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الاسلام - الحج - العلاقات الصينية الاسلامية

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة شنغهاي الدولية للدراسات، معهد دراسات الشرق الأوسط،

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة شيكاغو، كلية الحقوق،

التعليم :

كلية الحقوق بجامعة شيكاغو، دكتوراه ، 1995

جامعة شيكاغو، دكتوراه في العلوم السياسية، 1977

جامعة شيكاغو، ماجستير العلوم الاجتماعية، 1968

جامعة شيكاغو، B.A. في العلوم السياسية، 1966

وقد درس في جامعة شيكاغو، وجامعة نانجينغ، وجامعة قطر، والجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة، وجامعة بنسلفانيا.

وهو يكتب حاليا كتابا عن تعميق علاقات الصين مع الدول الإسلامية ودورها في تغيير توازن القوى في منطقة أوراسيا وأفريقيا وخارجها.

وكتبه السابقة، العولمة الإسلامية: الحج والرأسمالية والديمقراطية والدبلوماسية (وورد سسينتيفيك بوبليشرز، 2013)،

نزلاء الله: الحج والسياسة في العالم الإسلامي (مطبعة جامعة أكسفورد، 2004)،

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

The Crescent and the Dragon: Islamic Dimensions of China’s Great Leap Outward. Work in progress. Examining China’s deepening relations with the Islamic World and their impact on the shifting balance of power in Eurasia and Africa with particular attention to Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia, the Arab Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa.

·Islamic Globalization: Pilgrimage, Capitalism, Democracy, and Diplomacy. Singapore and London: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2013. Examines the Muslim world's growing importance in creating a more multipolar and multicultural international system. Integrates the disciplines of religion, politics, economics, law, and international relations highlighting developments in the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Provides new insights into the rapidly growing ties between China and the Islamic world, exploring their impact on the balance of power in Eurasia and beyond. E-book available online   http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8810#t=toc

Reviews available at http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lsereviewofbooks/2013/10/08/book-review-islamic-globalization/ and in Chinese at伊斯兰的全球化:朝圣,资本主义,民主和外交http://www.mzread.com/books/1082497

·Guests of God: Pilgrimage and Politics in the Islamic World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Winner of the Albert Hourani Book Prize Award of the Middle East Studies Association for the best book of 2005. Chosen as one of the outstanding books on the Middle East for 2004-2005 by Foreign Affairs magazine. Paperback edition, 2008. E-book editions, 2009 and 2013. Arabic translation as Duyuf al-Rahman: al-Hajj wa al-Siyasa fi al-‘Alam al-Islami, by Obeikan Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia, 2007. Analysis of the pilgrimage to Mecca (the Hajj) and its impact on world politics and law. Based on fieldwork in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Nigeria, and Senegal. Reviews and sample chapter available online http://www.us.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/ReligionTheology/Islam/?view=usa&ci=0195171071

Online edition at http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/oso/public/content/religion/9780195171075/toc.html

Arabaic translation at http://www.raffy.me/books/view/aBKasB/qrcode

·Unruly Corporatism: Associational Life in Twentieth Century Egypt. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Study of the clash between nascent civil society and authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and Asia. Examines protest movements against the Sadat and Mubarak governments in Egypt and compares them with similar revolts in Iran, South Korea, India, and the Philippines.

·Interest Groups and Political Development in Turkey. Princeton University Press, 1984. Reissued in ebook and paperback in the Princeton Legacy Library series, 2014. A comprehensive and comparative study of associational life in Turkey, including labor unions, business chambers, professional syndicates, and farmers groups as well as religious, cultural, and community organizations. Comparison of group politics in Western Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Nominated for the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award of the American Political Science Association as the best book of the year in the field of comparative politics. http://press.princeton.edu/titles/130.html

الدراسات، فصول الكتب، والمواد :

·“The Hajj and Politics in China.” In Muslim Pilgrimage in the Modern World. Edited by Babak Rahimi and Peyman Eshaghi. Durham: University of North Carolina Press, forthcomming 2016.

·“Islamic Globalization and Its Role in China’s Future.” Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Shanghai International Studies University, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2015. http://mideast.shisu.edu.cn/3982/list.htm

·Chinese translation “伊斯兰全球化” 对中国未来的影响,published in 阿拉伯世界研究 (Arab World Studies), No. 5, October 2015. http://mideast.shisu.edu.cn/3977/list.htm

·“China and the United States in the Middle East and the Islamic World.” In The Emerging Middle East-East Asia Nexus. Edited by Anoushiravan Ehtishami and Yukiko Miyagi. London: Routledge, 2015.  http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781138017801/

·“The Hajj and Politics in Contemporary Turkey and Indonesia.” In Hajj: Global Interactions Through Pilgrimage. Edited by Luit Mols and Marjot W. Buitelaar. Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (Announcements of the National Museum of Ethnography). Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2015.       http://www.sidestone.com/bookshop/hajj

Chinese translation published in 宗教与美国社会 (Religion and American Society), Fudan University Center for American Religious Studies, Shanghai, vol. 11, 2015.

·“China, Islam, and New Visions of the Old World.” Middle East Institute, Middle East-Asia Project, March 3, 2015. http://www.mei.edu/content/map/china-islam-and-new-visions-old-world

·“China’s Interests in Preserving the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse.” China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham, February 23, 2015. http://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/chinapolicyinstitute/2015/02/25/will-china-help-preserve-the-israeli-palestinian-impasse/

·“Perceptions of the 2009 Ürümqi Conflict Across the Islamic World.” In Toward Well-Oiled Relations? China’s Presence in the Middle East Following the Arab Spring. Edited by Niv Horesh. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2015.

·“Hajj by Air.” In The Hajj: Pilgrimage in Islam. Edited by Eric Tagliacozzo and Shawkat Toorawa. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

·“Silk Roads and Great Games: Prelude to Global Governance or Great Power Conflict?” Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Shanghai International Studies University, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2014.http://mideast.shisu.edu.cn/fb/41/c3982a64321/page.htm

·“Des villes en révolte contre la «tyrannie de la majorité» - ou comment empêcher l’émergence d’un pouvoir rural?” (Urban Backlash Against Democracy: Battling the Tyranny of the Majority or the Rise of Rural Power?”) In Ville et Revolution en Egypt (City and Revolution in Egypt), Egypte/Monde Arabe. Special Issue, 3ème série, n° 11, march 2014. Edited by Roman Stadnicki, Pierre-Arnaud Barthel, and Leïla Vignal, Centre d’Études et de Documentation Économiques, Juridiques et Sociales (CEDEJ). http://www.cedej-eg.org/spip.php?article749 and http://ema.revues.org/3274

· “The Hajj in Everyday Life.” In Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East. Edited by Donna Lee Bowen, Evelyn A. Early, and Becky Schulthies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2014. http://www.iupress.indiana.edu/product_info.php?products_id=807340

·“Middle East-China Relations in Light of Obama’s Pivot to the Pacific.” China Report, 49:1 2013, 103-118. Special issue on China and the Middle East. Edited by P.R. Kumaraswamy. http://chr.sagepub.com/content/49/1/103.short

·The Social and Economic Bases of Ennahdha Power: Khaldunian and Tocquevillian Reflections on the Tunisian Elections. The Singapore Middle East Papers. Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore. September, 2013. http://www.mei.nus.edu.sg/publications/the-social-and-economic-bases-of-ennahdha-power-khaldunian-and-tocquevillian-reflections-on-the-tunisian-elections

·“On Liberty and Human Interest in the Work of Iliya Harik.” Journal of New Media Studies in MENA, July 2013. Special issue on Democracy, Culture, and the Grip of Arab History. http://www.jnmstudies.com/index.php/harikvol/95-specialissue/harikvolume/110-biacnchi

· “Morsy in Beijing: Implications for America’s Relations with China and the Islamic World.” Middle East Institute Insight, September 12, 2012.                http://www.mei.nus.edu.sg/publications/mei-insights/morsy-in-beijing-implications-for-america%E2%80%99s-relations-with-china-and-the-islamic-world

·Egypt’s Revolutionary Elections. The Singapore Middle East Papers. Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore. Summer 2012. http://www.mei.nus.edu.sg/blog/announcing-the-second-volume-of-the-singapore-middle-east-papers-egypts-revolutionary-elections      

·“The Revolution in Islamic Finance.” The Chicago Journal of International Law, Symposium on Islamic Business and Commercial Law, vol. 7, no. 2, January 2007, 569-580. http://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cjil/vol7/iss2/12/

·“Islamic Finance and the International System: Integration without Colonialism.” In Integrating Islamic Finance into the Mainstream: Regulation, Standardization, and Transparency. Cambridge: Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, 2007. http://ifp.law.harvard.edu/login/publications6

·“The Battle for the Soul of Islamic Finance—If It Has One.” Islamic Finance, September 2007.

·“Organized Interests as Social Development Partners: Concepts and Techniques.” World Bank Social Development Papers, number 35, June 2001. http://portals.wi.wur.nl/files/docs/ppme/Interest_groups_and_organisations_as_stakeholders.pdf

مقالات الموسوعة :

·“The Hajj.” in The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Edited by Immanuel Ness and Peter Bellwood. New York: Wiley, 2013.           http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm265/abstract

·“Hajj, Women’s Patronage of: Contemporary Practice.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women. Edited by Natana Delong-Bas. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

·“Capitalism and Islam.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

·“Hajj.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.


·“Travel for Religious Purposes.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. http://bridgingcultures.neh.gov/muslimjourneys/items/show/187

·Additional articles and reviews have appeared in Modern Asian History, The Times Literary Supplement, Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review, Middle East Journal, British Journal of Political Science, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Development Studies, Current History, Third World Quarterly, Business Islamica, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Political Science Review, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Los Angeles Times, and Newsday.

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