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الإسم اللاتيني
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مايكل كمبر

مايكل كمبر

الإسم اللاتيني :  Michael Kemper
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الاسلام - روسيا - السلفية - الصوفية - داغستان

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة أمستردام ، التاريخ ، الدراسات الأوروبية والدراسات الدينية ،

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

1 - Исламские финансы в современном мире: экономические и правовые аспекты/ Под ред. Р.И. Беккина. - М.: Ummah, 2004. - 283 с.

by Renat Bekkin and Michael Kemper.

2 - Ислам по-русски. Учебное пособие

by Alfrid Bustanov and Michael Kemper.

3 - Islam and Russian Orthodoxy beyond the Institutions

by Alfrid Bustanov и Michael Kemper.

أوراق :

1 - Streit um die Orthodoxie der Ukraine: die Risiken der kirchenpolitischen Eskalation.

2 - Kemper Review Anagnostopoulos Orthodoxy and Islam in Modern Greece and Turkey ICMR 2018.docx.

3 - Kemper Review Xavier Bougarel Islam and Nationhood Bosnia Herzegovina 2018 ICMR 2018.

4 - Kemper Review Written Culture in Dagestan, ed. Moshe Gammer (2015) JAOS Aug 2018.pdf.

5 - An island of Classical Arabic in the Caucasus: Daghestan.

6 - The Changing Images of Jihad Leaders: Shamil and Abd al-Qadir in Daghestani and Algerian Historical Writing

Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, 2007.

7 - Entre Boukhara et la Moyenne-Volga : `Abd an-Nasîr al-Qûrsâwî (1776-1812) en conflit avec les oulémas traditionalistes

Cahiers du monde russe : Russie, Empire russe, Union soviétique, États indépendants, 1996.

8 - Studying Islam in the Soviet Union.

9 - Kemper Codeswitching Russian Islamic Sociolect; Islam v sovremennom Mire 1 2015.pdf.

10 - A.K. Bustanov and M. Kemper, Islam po-russki (St. Petersburg 2016).pdf.

11 - M. Kemper, “Ismails Reisebuch als Genremischung“, in: Istochniki i issledovaniia po istorii tatarskogo naroda: Materialy k uchebnym kursam. V chest’ iubileia akademika AN RT M.A. Usmanova, ed. by Diliara Usmanova and Iskander Giliazov (Kazan', 2006), 318-330.

12 - M. Kemper, „Daghestani Shaykhs and Scholars in Russian Exile: Networks of Sufism, Fatwas and Poetry”, in: Daghestan and the World of Islam, edited by Moshe Gammer and David J. Wasserstein (Helsinki: Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2006), 95-107.

13 - M. Kemper, "Communal Agreements (ittifāqāt) and ´ādāt-Books from Daghestani Villages and Confederacies (18th - 19th Centuries)", Der Islam 81 (2004), 115-151.

14 - M. Kemper, “Ghazi Muhammad’s Treatise against Daghestani Customary Law”, in: Moshe Gammer (ed.), Islam and Sufism in Daghestan (Helsinki: Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2009), 85-100.

15 - M. Kemper, "Tekke Takeovers and Hagiography Writing, 15th to 20th Centuries: Hajji Bektash, Hajjim Sultan, Demir Baba and Qaraja Ahmed“, Pis’mennye pamiatniki vostoka no. 2 (7), 2007, 144-167.

16 - Michael Kemper* and Shamil Shikhaliev, Qadimism and Jadidism in Twentieth-Century Daghestan, Asiatische Studien 69.3 (2015)

17 - Between Salafism and Eurasianism: Geidar Dzhemal and the Global Islamic Revolution in Russia

by Michael Kemper and Gulnaz Sibgatullina.

18 - Russia's Islam and Orthodoxy beyond the Institutions: Languages of Conflict, Conversion and Convergence

by Michael Kemper and Alfrid Bustanov.

19 - Kemper What is not in Krachkovskii's Among Arabic Manuscripts.pdf.

20 - Imperial Russia as Dar al-Islam? Nineteenth-Century Debates on Ijtihad and Taqlid among the Volga Tatars.

21 - Herrschaft, Recht und Islam in Daghestan: Von den Khanaten und Gemeindebünden zum ǧihād-Staat.

22 - Red Orientalism: Mikhail Pavlovich and Marxist Oriental Studies In Early Soviet Russia.


24 - The Soviet Discourse on the Origin and Class Character of Islam, 1923-1933.

25 - Kemper The Orthodox and Islamic Languages in the RF 2013.


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