ستيفن شوماكر
Stephen Shoemaker
(دكتوراه '97، جامعة ديوك )
عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة ولاية أوريغون ، قسم الدراسات الدينية ،
زميل معهد رادكليف , جامعة هاروارد
وهو متخصص في تاريخ المسيحية وبدايات الإسلام.
اهتماماته الأساسية تكمن في التقاليد المسيحية في القرون الوسطى القديمة وفي وقت مبكر،
وقد كتب عن : وفاة النبي : نهاية حياة محمد وبداية الاسلام ,
ومحمد والقرآن ,
حياة مريم العذراء .
من مؤلفاته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :
( كتب )
1- Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion.
2- The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad’s Life and the Beginnings of Islam.
3- Maximus the Confessor, Life of the Virgin: Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Stephen J. Shoemaker.
4- The Ancient Traditions of the Virgin Mary’s Dormition and Assumption.
( مقالات )
1- The Tiburtine Sibyl, the Last Emperor, and the Early Byzantine Apocalyptic Tradition (uncorrected proofs).
2- The Ancient Dormition Apocrypha and the Origins of Marian Piety: Early Evidence of Marian Intercession from Late Ancient Palestine (uncorrected page proofs).
“3- The Reign of God Has Come”: Eschatology and Empire in Late Antiquity and Early Islam.
4- Muḥammad and the Qurʾān - Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity.
5- From Mother of Mysteries to Mother of the Church: The Institutionalization of the Dormition Apocrypha.
6- New Syriac Dormition Fragments from Palimpsests in the Schøyen Collection and the British Library: Presentation, Edition and Translation.
7- Mary at the Cross, East and West: Maternal Compassion and Affective Piety in the Earliest Life of the Virgin and the High Middle Ages.
8- In Search of ʿUrwa’s Sīra: Some Methodological Issues in the Quest for "Authenticity" in the Life of Muḥammad.
9- The Cult of Fashion: The Earliest Life of the Virgin and Constantinople ’s Marian Relics.
10- A Mother’s Passion: Mary’s Role in the Crucifixion and Resurrection in the Earliest Life of the Virgin and its Influence on George of Nicomedia’s Passion Homilies.
11- Epiphanius of Salamis, the Kollyridians, and the Early Dormition Narratives: The Cult of the Virgin in the Fourth Century.
12- The Virgin Mary in the Ministry of Jesus and the Early Church according to the Earliest Life of the Virgin.
13- The Cult of the Virgin in the Fourth Century: A Fresh Look at Some Old and New Sources.
14- Christmas in the Qur'än: the Qur'änic account of Jesus's nativity and Palestinian local tradition
15- Gender at the Virgin's Funeral: Men and Women as Witnesses to the Dormition.
16- The Virgin Mary’s Hidden Past: From Ancient Marian Apocrypha to the Medieval vitae Virginis.
17- A Case of Mistaken Identity? Naming the Gnostic Mary.
18- The Sahidic Coptic Homily on the Dormition of the Virgin attributed to Evodius of Rome. An Edition from Morgan Manuscripts 596 and 598 with Translation.
19- Rethinking the" Gnostic Mary": Mary of Nazareth and Mary of Magdala in Early Christian Tradition.
"20- Let us Go and Burn Her Body": The Image of the Jews in the Early Dormition Traditions.
21- Apocrypha and Liturgy in the Fourth Century: The Case of the “Six Books” Dormition Apocryphon.
22- Asceticism in the Early Dormition Narratives.
23- Between Scripture and Tradition: The Marian Apocrypha of Early Christianity.
24- A New Dormition Fragment in Coptic: P. Vindob. K 7589 and the Marian Apocryphal Tradition.
25- The Georgian Life of the Virgin attributed to Maximus the Confessor: Its Authenticity(?) and Importance.
26- Death and the Maiden: The Early History of the Dormition and Assumption Apocrypha.
27- Jesus' Gnostic Mom: Mary of Nazareth and the" Gnostic Mary" Traditions.
28- A Peculiar Version of the Inventio crucis in the Early Syriac Dormition Traditions.
29- Marian Liturgies and Devotion in Early Christianity.
30- Apocalyptic Traditions in the Armenian Dormition Narratives.
31- Gnosis and Paideia: Education and Heresy in Late Ancient Egypt.
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