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الإسم اللاتيني
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مايكل فيسينتي بيريز

مايكل فيسينتي بيريز

الإسم اللاتيني :  Michael Vicente Perez
البلد :  كوبي امريكي
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  اللاجئين الفلسطينيين - السياسة الاسلامية - الهجرة

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة واشنطن، الأنثروبولوجيا،

كوبي أمريكي نشأ في ميامي، فلوريدا.

مجالات البحث الأساسية والتخصص: القومية والهوية الوطنية ؛ الهجرة عبر الوطنية، النزوح، واللاجئين؛ الشتات. السياسة الإسلامية؛ حقوق الانسان.

التعليم :

2011 دكتوراه، الأنثروبولوجيا الاجتماعية والثقافية، جامعة ولاية ميشيغان

2005 ماجستير، الأنثروبولوجيا، جامعة ولاية ميشيغان

2000 بكالوريوس ، الأنثروبولوجيا والفلسفة، جامعة فلوريدا

1998 زمالة ، الأنثروبولوجيا , ميامي-ديد كوليج.

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتاب :

The Non National in Jordan: Statelessness as Structural Violence (Preview).

منشورات اخرى :

2018 Everyday Refuge (visual narrative essay forthcoming in special issue “Maintaining Refuge” in Anthropology News)

2017 “Electricity Limited in the Gaza Strip” in American Anthropological Association Committee for Human Rights Blog. http://humanrights.americananthro.org/electricity-limited-in-the-gaza-strip/

 2017 “Executive Disorder: Living the Ban in Seattle” in Cultural Anthropology: Dispatches. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/1184-executive-disorder-living-the-ban-in-seattle

 2017 “Trump, Immigration, and the Politics of Deception” in The Islamic Monthly. http://theislamicmonthly.com/trump-immigration-politics-deception/

2017 “Feminism is for Everybody. Muslims Included” in Critical Muslims: Relations (21). http://criticalmuslim.com/issues/21-relations

 2016 “Fear and Mourning in the Shadow of Orlando” in Contending Modernities – University of Notre Dame. http://blogs.nd.edu/contendingmodernities/2016/12/22/fear-and-mourningin-the-shadow-of-orlando/

 2016 “The Crisis Unseen: Palestinians Flee Syria with Fewer Options than Ever” in The Islamic Monthly. Fall/Winter Issue.

2015 “The Intolerable Possibility of Slavery of Slavery: A Muslim Perspective” in The Islamic Monthly. http://theislamicmonthly.com/the-intolerable-possibility-of-slavery-a-muslimperspective/

2014 “Does a Woman-only Pool Mean Segregation? Not Quite.” in The Islamic Monthly. http://www.theislamicmonthly.com/does-a-woman-only-pool-mean-segregation/

2014 “Will the Real Salafi Please Stand Up!” in The Islamic Monthly. http://www.theislamicmonthly.com/will-the-real-salafi-please-stand-up/

2013 “Displacing the Masses in Syria: A Crime of Commission” in The Islamic Monthly. http://www.theislamicmonthly.com/displacing-masses-in-syria-a-crime-of-commission/

 2013 “The Arab Spring and the End of Narrative Terror” in The Islamic Monthly. http://www.theislamicmonthly.com/the-arab-spring-and-the-end-of-narrative-terror/

2011 “Muslim Women in the Push for Peace” in The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-vicente-perez/muslim-women-in-the-push_b_934469.html

2011 “The Role of Men in Religious Terrorism” (co-authored with Asma Uddin) in The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/asma-uddin/breivik-bin-ladenmasculinity_b_912041.html

 2010 “Where are the Moderate Americans?” in The Washington Post: On Faith http://onfaith.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/altmuslimah/2010/11/where_are_the_moderate_americans.h tml

2010 “An Interracial Marriage: Over My Dead Body” (Parts 1 & 2) in Altmuslimah.com http://www.altmuslimah.com/a/b/rsa/3908/ and http://www.altmuslimah.com/a/b/rsa/3915/

2010 “Body-talk and The Limits of Islamic Erotica” (Parts 1 & 2) in Altmuslimah.com http://www.altmuslimah.com/a/b/a/3693/ and http://www.altmuslimah.com/a/b/a/3699/

2008 Interview with Imam Warith Deen Muhammaed in Islamica Magazine http://www.islamicamagazine.com/general/IMAM-WARITH-DEEN-MOHAMMED.html and AltMuslim.com http://www.altmuslim.com/a/a/a/2811/

2008 Interview with Minister Louis Farrakhan in Dossier on Islam and Black America in Islamica Magazine. (unpublished)

2007 “When Push Comes to Shove: Civil Society and the Promise of Peace.” Islamica Magazine, Issue #20 and http://islamicamagazine.com/?p=828

 2007 “Hamas and Fatah: A Regional Divide or a Beleaguered Government.” Islamica Magazine, Issue #19 and http://islamicamagazine.com/?p=694

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