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بيتر سمور

بيتر سمور

الإسم اللاتيني :  Pieter Smoor
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصر
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الشعر العربي - الفرزدق - ابن الرومي - ابو العلاء المعري

استاذ فخري في جامعة أمستردام ، دراسات عربية وإسلامية ،

يتركز اهتمامه حول :

الشعر العربي , الفرزدق , ابن الرومي , ابو العلاء المعري .

من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

أوراق :

1 - Al-Farazdaq's Reception By Contemporaries and Later Generations

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1989.

2 - Elegies and Other Poems on Death by Ibn al-Rumi

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1996.

3 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in MaArrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1981.

4 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in MaArrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1981.

5 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in MaArrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1981.

6 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in MaArrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1981.

7 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in Ma'Arrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1982.

8 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in Ma'Arrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1982.

9 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in Ma'Arrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1982.

10 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in Ma'Arrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1982.

11 - Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in MaArrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1981.

12 -  Enigmatic Allusion and Double Meaning in Ma'Arrī's Newly-Discovered Letter of a Horse and a Mule

Journal of Arabic Literature, 1982.

مراجعات الكتب :

A flash of understanding, the book AL-FUSUL WA-L-GHAYAT FI TAMJID ALLAH WA-L-MAWA'IZ BY Abu l-Ala al-Ma'arri.

رابط المصدر :


فروع المركز

فروع المركز

للمركز الإسلامي للدراسات الإستراتيجية ثلاثة فروع في ثلاثة بلدان
  • العنوان

  • البريد الإلكتروني

  • الهاتف