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ايمي سينغر - مستشرقة

ايمي سينغر - مستشرقة

الإسم اللاتيني :  Amy Singer
البلد : 
التاريخ :  ... - معاصرة
القرن :  20 - 21
الدين : 
التخصص :  الدولة العثمانية - الفلسطينيون والدولة العثمانية

عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة تل أبيب، قسم الشرق الأوسط والتاريخ الأفريقي،

التعليم :

شهادة الدكتوراة (1989) جامعة برينستون، دراسات الشرق الأدنى

ماجستير (1985) جامعة برينستون، دراسات الشرق الأدنى

الشهادة الجامعية الاولى (1982) كلية سوارثمور، التاريخ، مع مرتبة الشرف العالية.

التوظيف :

2007 حتى الآن أستاذ كامل، قسم الشرق الأوسط والتاريخ الأفريقي، جامعة تل أبيب

2001-2007 أستاذ مشارك، قسم الشرق الأوسط والتاريخ الأفريقي، جامعة تل أبيب

1993-2001 كبير المحاضرين، الحيازة، قسم الشرق الأوسط والتاريخ الأفريقي، جامعة تل أبيب

1989-1993 محاضر، قسم الشرق الأوسط والتاريخ الأفريقي، جامعة تل أبيب.

اهتماماتها البحثية :

الدولة العثمانية – الفلسطينيون و الدولة العثمانية  .

من منشوراتها ( باللغة الاصلية ) :

كتب :

1 - Charity in Islamic Societies.

2 - İyilik Yap, Denize At: Müslüman Toplumlarda Hayırseverlik.

3 - Kadılar, Kullar, Kudüslü Köylüler.

4 - Palestinian Peasants and Ottoman Officials: Rural Administration around Sixteenth-century Jerusalem.

5 - Constructing Ottoman Beneficence: An Imperial Soup Kitchen in Jerusalem.

6 - Osmanlı'da Hayirseverlik: Kudüs’te bir Haseki Sultan İmareti.

كتب محررة :

1 - Starting with Food: Culinary Approaches to Ottoman History.

2 - Haydi Sofraya! Mutfak Penceresinden Osmanlı Tarihi.

3 - Poverty and Charity in Middle Eastern Contexts.

4 - Feeding People, Feeding Power: Imarets in the Ottoman Empire.

5 - Middle East Historiographies: Narrating the Twentieth Century.

6 - Untold Histories of the Middle East: Recovering Voices from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.

المقالات المنشورة والاوراق :

“1 - Enter, Riding on an Elephant: One Approach to Early Ottoman Edirne,” Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 3:1 (2016): 89 -109.

"2 - Sadece Defter-i Sancak-ı Arvanid'i Yayınlamış Olsaydı Bile". In Yusuf Oğuzoğlu, Selçuk Kırlı, İsmail Yaşayanlar and Gözde Kırlı (eds.), Her Yıl Bir Büyük Türk Bilgi Şölenleri 2 / Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık (F. Özsan Matbaacılık San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti: Bursa, 2016), 110-115.

"3 - If Halil Inalcik Had Merely Published The Defter-i Sancak-ı Arvanid". In Yusuf Oğuzoğlu, Selçuk Kırlı, İsmail Yaşayanlar and Gözde Kırlı (eds.), Her Yıl Bir Büyük Türk Bilgi Şölenleri 2 / Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık (F. Özsan Matbaacılık San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti: Bursa, 2016), 116-121.

“4 - The Persistence of Philanthropy,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 31.3 (2011): 557-568.

 “5 - Giving Practices in Islamic Societies.” Social Research 80.2 (Summer 2013): 341-358

"6 - The Ottoman Balkans and the Middle East Compared: How This Might Be Accomplished?" In Eyal Ginio and Karl Kaser, eds., Ottoman Legacies in the Contemporary Mediterranean: the Balkans and the Middle East Compared (Jerusalem: The European Forum at the Hebrew University, 2013), pp. 23-40

 “7 - Serving Up Charity.” Journal of Interdisciplinary History XXXV, 3 (2005): 481-500.

 “8 - Imarets”. In The Ottoman World, ed. Christine Woodhead (London: Routledge, 2012), pp. 72-85.

 “9 - The “Michelin Guide” to Public Kitchens in the Ottoman Empire”. Interdisciplinary Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 16 (2010): 69-92. Published simultaneously in A. Singer, ed., Starting with Food: Culinary Approaches to Ottoman History. Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers, 2010, pp. 69-92.

 “10 - Osmanlı İmparatorluğu İmaretlerinin “Michelın Rehberi.” In Haydi Sofraya! Mutfak Penceresinden Osmanlı Tarihi, Amy Singer, ed., Istanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2015, pp. 75-97.

 “11 - The Last New Imaret? An Ottoman Imperial Firman from 1308/1890”. In Eyal Ginio and Eli Podeh (eds.), The Ottoman Middle East: Studies in Honor of Amnon Cohen (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 221-237

 “12 - Same Same but Different: Food in Ottoman Public Kitchens” In Religioni e Filantropia nel Mediterraneo: Tradizioni, Simboli, e Iconografie (Religions and Philanthropy in the Mediterranean), ed. Giuliana Gemelli. Salisbury, U.K.: Baskerville Press, 2015, pp. 91-111.

 “13 - What is the Price of a Free Lunch? The Costs of Serving and Consuming Meals in Ottoman Public Kitchens (imaret).” In F. Ammannati, ed., Assistance and Solidarity in Europe from the 13th to the 18th Centuries (Firenze, 2013).

 “14 - Soup and sadaqa: charity in Islamic societies.” Historical Research, 79, No. 205 (2006): 306-324.

"15 - The Privileged Poor of Ottoman Jerusalem." In Pauvrete et richesse dans le monde musulman mediterraneen, ed. Jean-Paul Pascual. Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2003, pp. 257-269.

16 - The Mülknāmes of Hürrem Sultan's Waqf in Jerusalem Author(s): Amy Singer Source: Muqarnas.

"17 - Transcrire les frontieres de village." In Lucette Valensi a l'oeuvre. Une histoire anthropologique de l'Islam mediterraneen. Paris: Editions Bouchene, 2002, pp. 133-143..

 “18 - A Note on Land and Identity: From Ze`āmet to Waqf.” In New Perspectives on Property and Land in the Middle East, ed. Roger Owen. Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Press, 2001, pp. 161-173.

 “19 - Peasant Migration: Law and Practice in Early Ottoman Palestine.” New Perspectives on Turkey, 8 (1992): 49-65.

"20 - Marriages and Misdemeanors: A Record of resm-i `arus ve bad-i hava." Princeton Papers in Near Eastern Studies 4 (1996): 113-152.

21 - Tapu Tahrir Defterleri and Kadı Sicilleri: A Happy Marriages of Sources." Tarih 1 (1990):95-125.

 “22 - The Countryside of Ramle in the Sixteenth Century: A Study of Villages with Computer Assistance.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 33 (1990): 51-79.

 “23 - In Memoriam: Mine Ener.” Turkish Studies Association Bulletin 27, 1-2 (2003): 159-161.

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