عضو هيئة التدريس في جامعة بن غوريون في النقب، قسم دراسات الشرق الأوسط،
مركز حايم هرتصوغ لدراسات الشرق الأوسط والدبلوماسية .
من منشوراته ( باللغة الاصلية ) :
كتب :
Yoram Meital, 1995, Atarim Yehudim beMitzraim [Jewish sites in Egypt],
Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute and The Hebrew University, 165 pages.
Second Edition, 1997.
Yoram Meital, 1996, al-Athar al-Yahudiyya fi Misr [Jewish sites in Egypt]
Cairo: Dar al-Fiqr al-Hadith, 175 pages.
Yoram Meital, 1997, Egypt's Struggle for Peace: Continuity and Change, 1967-1977, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 232 pages.
Yoram Meital, 2004, Shalom Shavur: Eisrael, HaPalestinim ve-Hamizarzh ha-Tichun [Broken Peace: Israel, the Palestinians, and the Middle East]. Jerusalem, Carmel Publishing House, 264 pages.
Yoram Meital, 2006, Peace in Tatters: Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East
Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers), 251 pages.
Yoram Meital, 2008, Hutam al-Salam: Yisra'il, wa-Filastin, wa-l-Sharq al-Awsat [Peace in Tatters: Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East], Arabic, Intensive update version of Peace in Tatters (Cairo: The Egyptian Center and Publishing), 282 pages.
Yoram Meital, 2016
Revolutionary Justice: Special Courts and the Formation of Republican Egypt
Oxford University Press, 304 pages.
مقالات محكمة في المجلات العلمية :
Yoram Meital, April 1988, “Egypt's Demographic Trends and their Influence on the Socio-Economic Spheres: 1952-1986”, The Economic Quarterly, Vol. 135-136, pp. 64-73 [in Hebrew].
Yoram Meital, 1994, “Reactions in Egypt to the Islamic Dimensions of the Gulf Crisis”, Hamizrah Hehadash [The Journal of The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel], Vol. 36, pp. 160-171 [in Hebrew].
Yoram Meital, Autumn 1997, “Egypt’s Revolutionary Experience and the Aswan High Dam”. Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly, Vol. 60, pp. 76-84 [in Hebrew].
Yoram Meital, December 1997, “Revolutionizing the past: Historical Representation During Egypt’s Revolutionary Experience, 1952-1967”. Mediterranean Historical Review, Vol. 12, pp. 60-77.
Yoram Meital, December 1998, “Domestic Challenges and Egypt’s US Policy”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 1-8.
Yoram Meital, Winter 2000, “The Khartoum Conference and Egyptian Policy After the 1967 War: A Reexamination”. Middle East Journal, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 64-82.
Yoram Meital, Autumn 2001, “The Unknown Soldier Monument and the Commemoration of the 1973 War in Egypt”. Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly, Vol. 76, pp. 28-37 [in Hebrew].
Yoram Meital, Summer 2003, “Who is Egypt’s 'Hero of War and Peace'? The Contest Over Representation,” History and Memory, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 150-183.
Yoram Meital, Winter 2006, “School Textbooks and Assembling the Puzzle of the Past in Revolutionary Egypt,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 255-270.
Yoram Meital, Spring 2006, “The Struggle over Political Order in Egypt: The 2005 Elections,” Middle East Journal, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 257-279.
Yoram Meital, November 2007, “Central Cairo: Street Naming and the Struggle over Historical Representation,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 857-878.
Moshe Albo, Yoram Meital, 2014, “The Independent Path of Shaykh al-Azhar ʿAbd al-Ḥalīm Maḥmūd Mahmoud,” Die Welt Des Islams, 54, pp. 159-182.
Yoram Meital, 2014, “Israelʼs Perceptions of the PLO: From Recognition to the No Partner Paradigm,” Contemporary Review of the Middle East, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 355-370.
Yoram Meital, 2015, “The Arab Transformation and the Israeli Iron Wall,” Milafat Mada [The Journal of the The Arab Center for Applied Social Research] , Vol. 4, pp. 1-13 [in Arabic].
Yoram Meital, 2015, “The Trial Mahmud of Mahmud ‘Abd al-Latif and the Struggle over the Political Order in Egypt Following the July 1952 Revolution,” Hamizrah Hehadash [The Journal of The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel], Vol. 54, pp. 71-87.
Yoram Meital, 2016, ‟A Jew in Cairo: Chehata Haroun’s Perseverance,” Middle Eastern Studies [Accepted]. DOI: 10.180.00263206.2016.1214580.
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